Who are we? 

A comprehensive health council for ALL of Socorro County. 

Our Mission: We will work Together!

· To provide a method for community health decision making.

· To identify and prioritize health  safety needs.

· To establish and plan strategies for community health goals. 

For the improvement of the health and quality of the life in families and individuals  of Socorro County. 

What do we do? 

· Create and distribute resource directories and information across the county.

· Participate and Partner in multiple community programs with a variety of organizations, including; Department of Health, Presbyterian Hospital, Presbyterian Medical Services, MRGEDA, JJB, NAMI, Healthy KIDS, NMT ASAP, Students Offering Solutions, and MORE!

· Coordination of local service providers and partners to address various issues affecting our county. 

· Plan and Participate in community events such as; maze of life, community forum, fun feast and more. 

Offer a variety of free trainings for our community members including Narcan, QPR, Mental Health First Aid, CPR and More! 


Our Goals:

Empowering Community Organizations and Individuals to make Socorro County a safer and healthier community. 

Check Us out in the El Defensor Cheiftain! 

A member of the New Mexico Health Council Alliance